Design Your Life On Your Own Terms

“How To Start Earning Income Online, Starting From Scratch.”


*Individual results will vary from person to person. Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to get started right now and begin learning how to create your digital future, click the button above to submit your application for $29.95
(By clicking the button above you will be redirected to The Six Figure Mentors application checkout page to finalize your application.)


Hear from our students:


FUN, FAST AND EASY That statement is unfortunately what you see a lot when it comes to earning money online. What we have found is the biggest reason people don’t achieve their financial goals is the fear of looking foolish or feeling judged. Chances are this isn’t your first time looking to step outside of your comfort zone. To find something you really would love to do AND earn income from. Sometimes it’s more than just “money”. We have a member who wasn’t looking to earn a Million Dollars, she just wanted spend a Million Moments with her Son. Once she saw what you’re about to see, it just “made sense” to her.

*Individual results will vary from person to person. Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page.
One thing you’ll find refreshing is this. I am not interested in recruiting you into the Digital Marketing Business. Most people don’t even know what that really means. Even if you LOVE what you read on this page, you’ll still need to create your account and work through a short training module before you can pursue the opportunity we are about to share with you.   You also need to ask yourself the following question. “If I find an opportunity to feel passionate about something, is it worth the leap to express myself?” You have the right to create the life you deserve. Even if you have a job or looking for a different career path, we may have something for you.   And it’s definitely NOT for everyone…   Here’s what we mean.   Our ‘Essential Program’ isn’t another site with boring videos giving you vague instructions on “how to” but you’re left confused and not sure where to even start. That’s the main reason we ask people to fill out an application.   We want to go through it with you to see if it even makes sense to move forward.   The most successful people understand there needs to be a certain level of commitment up front to make it work. You know and I know if you’re not willing to take a few minutes to complete an application, chances are you won’t commit to achieving what you really want.   Our commitment is to be transparent with you, both online and live. We don’t ask our members to sell to their friends and family or ask you to represent products online you don’t align with morally.   Because of the industry, from time to time some people just assume we’re like the others. That’s why we have a selection process where both you and us believe it makes sense to move forward.   We will uncover this within a few moments of speaking with you. We let our reputation and your due diligence make the call once you access our materials.   That’s right. You’ll be able to judge for yourself based on what we teach you and show you. NOT based on what we say or even other people’s opinions and testimonials.      

So here’s the deal.


People wait their whole life to start living BUT spend most of it just trying to make a living. Waiting is a state of mind. You want the future not the present. But, it’s the process (journey) that is more important. You become what you’re around. The biggest goal they both shared was to create a community where people help others achieve success in their lives. This community is what’s driving people to continue on even when it gets tough.


The selected individuals that choose this path and are fed up with traditional career roles can participate in the world’s first professional turn-key ‘franchise like’ DIGITAL BUSINESS SYSTEM.


Our business model is unique because we work very closely with you, including LIVE coaching and one-on-one support and guidance.


If you follow the program exactly as we’ve designed it, you could absolutely transform your life and your income potential…


The application I spoke about earlier will only take a couple of minutes to complete. It’s really more of an introduction to who you are and what you’re seeking. Fill out as much as you feel comfortable. Go with your gut. Then you’ll be able to instantly go through a series of short trainings and resources we’ve prepared for you.


After that we can speak on the phone and see if this is something you would like to learn more about or even participate in. Does that make sense?


LET’S GET STARTED! below to get access to your account and training.


You’ll get access immediately, and you’ll be given your first steps to follow right away.

If you would like to get started right now and begin learning how to create your digital future, click the button above to submit your application for $29.95

(By clicking the button above you will be redirected to The Six Figure Mentors application checkout page to finalize your application.)



FULL TIME – Employee

You’re probably feeling the pinch of costs going up while salaries stay the same. Then there’s the hassle of the commute, exhausting office politics and having to hang on to a job that probably doesn’t make you bounce out of bed (unless you’re one of the lucky few) because the traditional economy is so competitive you almost need to be a gladiator to get ahead. There’s just no time to hunt around for a different route, not to mention the daunting typical costs of starting your own business or buying into a franchise.

RETIRED OR SOON – To be retired

These days it’s hard to save up sufficient money for a truly comfortable nest egg so you can fully enjoy your Golden Years. After a lifetime of hard work, you don’t deserve to be counting cents/pennies. You’re interested in small business opportunities, but many require unaffordable investment and you’ve heard horror stories of scams. Added to this, the computer and Internet skills that your kids and grandkids take for granted often seem like an alien language.

TRADITIONAL – Business Owner

Being self employed with a brick and mortar company is not quite the life of control and flexibility you originally dreamed of. There’s the heavy overheads of office/warehouse rental and employees, but the worst part is you’re chained to your business almost non-stop, meaning less time to recharge and be with your loved ones than if you worked for a slave driver. You also worry about competition – you’re reliant on local customers which is a limited pool. Despite the business experience you have, how to leverage your skills for more success and time?


Your kids mean the world to you and you want to be there for them no matter what, but the financial constraints of not having a full time job give you cause to worry. The typical work-from-home opportunities you’ve researched either pay too little to be worth it or seem too complex to get a handle on because you can only grab spare time sporadically.


You’re racking up major debt for your education and your part time job pays very little. You don’t have a lot of free time left over from all your other activities, but you’re sick of eating instant noodles and asking your parents for extra spending money. And once you’ve completed your education, you also worry about finding a great job because things are really competitive out there.

SCHOOL – Leaver

Despite the pressure to get ahead, you’re either not keen on being an office slave or you can’t afford the expensive fees for traditional higher education. You’re not sure what to do but you know you want a life of freedom, creativity and the money to have exciting experiences. Above all you don’t want to feel caged or bored.



Modern, high quality production Our videos are a blend of live action and animation that’s polished to perfection.

Microlearning based Our Digital Skills Library delivers short bursts of learning proven to engage you

Accessible anywhere We’re optimized for any screen so learning can happen anywhere, anytime. View All Our Digital Skills Courses

View Example Of Our Digital Skills Courses



To get started with this opportunity, click the “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION” button and we’ll give you instant access to the getting started training where we’ll teach you this system in detail. If you then think this is a good fit for you, and after you have followed the steps, we’ll follow up with you on the phone, and give you more details about how to pick your various income streams. So now it’s up to you to decide… Continue on as you are, dreaming about making money online, time, freedom, and flexibility, but always being afraid to take action? Or will you jump at the chance to get in on the ground floor of a thriving business that provides all of the training, support, and help you need to get started… …and potentially write your own paycheque, almost completely free from tedious steep learning curves! WARNING: NOT Everyone Will Qualify     And the reason why is, we don’t want just anybody to get their hands on this material and system to play about with it and NOT give it the full attention it deserves… If you’re after a “Get Rich Quick” scheme that makes you a million pounds in 1 month with very little work, then frankly… You just DON’T QUALIFY! The only way to “get rich quick” like that is stealing from a bank or some other form of illegal activity – Which we don’t endorse at all! There’s only one way to find out if you’re a good fit for our community and that is…       SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION Your next step towards being accepted into our private community and to see behind the scenes, test ALL the products and training we currently have, is to submit a short application to us… Step #1 Click the “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION” button and you’ll be taken to our secure online payments page to get started… The application fee is only $29.95 and don’t worry you won’t risk a single penny as it’s 100% refundable within 30 days if you decide this is not for you (or if we determine you’re simply not the right person for us) then just let us know and your $29.95 will be refunded immediately.

Step #2 You will get immediate access to your initial trainings and system, whilst we process your application and get straight back to you.

  Step #3 Welcome aboard!

Once you have had a chance to thoroughly review everything and get all of your questions answered, you will be invited to join the SFM. 

Wishing you success,

Danny Tan, Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek

If you would like to get started right now and begin learning how to create your digital future, click the button above to submit your application for $29.95

(By clicking the button above you will be redirected to The Six Figure Mentors application checkout page to finalize your application.)

There are three reasons all new members are required to apply for membership  
  1. Our application and interview process prevents the wrong type of person from joining: This helps protect the integrity of our community, brand, and corporate vision & mission.
  2. Eliminates your risk: It gives you a risk free, no obligation way to thoroughly review our program before making any commitments.
  3. Allows you to reflect: You get the chance to review everything we have here for you (without any pressure) and then make an informed decision.

Your Application Kit Includes:


Student Account: You’ll get instant access to a Student account where you can spend as much time as you like learning about this exclusive opportunity.

Consult with a Digital Business Coach: They will be able to answer any questions you have, without pressure or hassle.  

Instant online application: You will get a list of simple questions that will only take you a few minutes to answer (and that will help us determine if you’re going to be a good fit with us or not).  



Why do I need to to submit an application to create my account? We require this to prevent spam or even scam accounts from being created that can be a huge drain on our resources and lower the quality of our user’s experience. Do you really reject people from your program? Obviously we want people to be successful. It just may not be here. If someone is looking for a quick scheme to earn cash we’re just not the right fit for them. Sometimes it’s mutual and other times, we just want to maintain our brand integrity in the marketplace. Are there similar, or even better programs to yours out there? The only way for you to truly know this is to decide based on what you see and hear. Most people are smart enough to know when people “hype” it’s just that. We know we’re not for everyone, but for those that we do work with really see value both personally and professionally. Finally, should you ever decide to purchase anything from us in the future, you will have a very clear money back guarantee outlined.

Ready To Start Living The Internet Lifestyle? Submit Your Application and Join Our Exclusive, Private, Digital Marketing Community… Let’s Do This Together!

If you would like to get started right now and begin learning how to create your digital future, click the button above to submit your application for $29.95

(By clicking the button above you will be redirected to The Six Figure Mentors application checkout page to finalize your application.)

*INCOME DISCLAIMER: SFM has notarized affidavits on hand for every income claim on this site. The examples are representative of the incomes earned in other businesses by some of the most successful users of our program and materials. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average SFM users or average participants in any other business to which the SFM program may be applied. Some users will make NO MONEY AT ALL with this program. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.